Fernando Madeira

Fernando Madeira

深深的凝視 / Olhares Profundos

人像摄影 - 東帝汶 / Portrait - East Timor

42cm x 60 cm


在蘇埃(Suai)的窮鄉僻壤, 這兩對眼睛呈現, 透露出了他們面對馬賴(即外國人)時的最深感受。

East Timor is a place of hidden emerging eyes.

In the remote area of Suai, this 4 eyes emerged and expressed the deepness of their feelings when confronted with Malai´s (foreigners)

「牛年牛又展 ─ 大家的回憶和願望」創作特展
“Ox Re-exhibition in the Year of the Ox – Our Memories and Wishes”Special Creative Exhibition