郭恬熙 Alice Kok

生於一九七八年澳門, 於一九九八年往法國留學, 二零零四年於法國土魯茲高等藝術學校獲得法國國立藝術碩士學位。其後在巴黎生活及工作。二零零五年獲法國巴黎LA DRAC頒發 La Bourse Individuelle a la Creation ,並完成錄像作品「卡拉伯OK」。二零零六至零七年於印度與西藏拍攝「仍在流亡 ﹣家書」。零七年年尾回澳。她的藝術創作理念經常圍繞多元文化主義 ; 在後殖民地時代的影響與重要性。她的創作媒體有錄像、攝影、寫作和裝置等。

Born in 1978 in Macau, Alice Kok has left to France in 1998. She has graduated with a Master Degree of Fine Arts in Ecole Supérieure des Beaux Arts de Toulouse in France in 2004. Since then she has been living and working in Paris where she has obtained La Bourse Individuelle a la Creation granted by the DRAC Ile-de-France and has created the video work “Karabic OK”. After traveling in India and Tibet where she has finished the project “Yet in Exile – Family Script”, she returns to live in Macau at the end of 2007. Her works are based on the idea of Multiculturalism at the post-colonial époque. She uses media such as video, photography, writings and installations.

個人展覽Solo Exhibition:
Jan – Feb 08 Family Script/家書” – Photography and Video Installation exhibition at the Centre of Creative Industries, Macau, China.
Dec – Jan 05/06 Fables of Identities/身份的傳說”- Photography exhibition at the Centre of Creative ndustries, Macau, China.
January 2004 Misleading/晤會 - Installation multimedia/Discussion" at the Centre of Creative Industries, Macau, China.

March 2009 “Yet in Exile – Family Script” (仍在流亡﹣家書) 
Ten Finalist of “Asian Award” organized by Independent Film and Video Award (ifva), Hong Kong Art Centre
June 2005 Karabic OK – French national anthem in Arabic ",
Bourse de l’Aide Individuelle de la Création, 2005
DRAC Ile-de-France, Paris, France.

Pisithpong (Ong) Siraphisut

Pisithpong Siraphisut, 又名安,生於泰國清邁。安對藝術有廣泛興趣,涉獵門類眾多。他曾到世界各地旅行,在不同的地方居住,足跡遍及清邁、日本札幌、東京、越南順化、紐約、老撾、柬埔寨、印度、尼泊爾、北京及中國其他城市,於各地的公共場所、藝術館、畫廊巡迴展出藝術作品。他亦是ComPeung創意藝術村(www.compeung.org)的創辦人及重要成員,並在村內居住和創作。該藝術村是一個另類藝術家社區, 亦是泰國第一個常駐藝術家計劃。

Pisithpong Siraphisut (aka Ong) was born in Chiang Mai, Thailand. His interest in art is widely open to various disciplines. He had traveled, lived and exhibited his creative projects in public spaces, museums, and galleries, ncluding Chiang Mai, Sapporo, Tokyo, Hue (Vietnam), Beijing, New York City, Sydney, China, Laos, Cambodia, India and Nepal. He is also the founder and the key member of ComPeung Village of Creativity www.compeung.org), an alternative artist community and the 1st dependent artist-in-residence program in Thailand, where he lives and works.

個展Solo Exhibitons:
2004 EAK-EE-EAK, 泰國清邁Umong Sippadhama (www.thelandfoundation.org)
2003 「沉默的派對」,泰國清邁Umong Sippadhama(www.thelandfoundation.org)
2002 「沉默的派對」,泰國清邁大學美術館
2001 「我的藝術園地」,泰國清邁大學美術學院
2001 「木偶」,泰國清邁大學美術學院
2000 「盲」,泰國清邁大學美術學院天台
2004 K-EE-EAK-EAK, Umong Sippadhama, Chiang Mai. Thailand (www.thelandfoundation.org)
2003 LENCE PARTY , Umong Sippadhama, Chiang Mai. Thailand (www.thelandfoundation.org)
2002 LENCE PARTY, Chiang Mai University Art Museum, Chiang Mai. Thailand 2001 MY ART, Library, Faculty of Fine Arts, Chiang Mai University.
2001 PUPPET, Streets of Chiang Mai.
2000 IND, Roof top, Faculty of Fine Arts, Chiang Mai University.

作品 Directorial and choreographic works :
2009 札幌雪祭SAPPORO II,日本札幌
2008 「聖誕後大仟世界」,泰國清邁 Minimal畫廊
2008 「ComPeung戶外藝術展」,泰國清邁ComPeung
2004 「看看環境」,泰國清邁CMU藝術館
2002 「藝術與環境,環境與藝術」,泰國清邁CMU藝術館
2002 「家」泰國清邁大學美術學院
2009 APPORO II, Sapporo Snow Festival”, Sapporo, Japan
2008 ROUND THE WORLD AFTER CHRISTMAS”, Minimal Gallery, Chiang Mai, Thailand
2008 OMPEUNG OUTDOOR ART EVENT 2008”, ComPeung, Chiang Mai, Thailand
2004 EE THE SURROUNDINGS”, CMU Art Museum. Chiang Mai. Thailand.
2002 RT & ENVIRONMENT, ENVIRONMENT & ART”, CMU Art Museum. Chiang Mai. Thailand.
2000 OME”, Faculty of Fine Arts, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

進行中的藝術項目Ongoing Projects :
2005 – PRESENT omPeung (www.compeung.org)

錄像作品 Video Art Works :
2009 「與雪同在」- 日語,彩色,PAL制式,立體聲,23分鐘
2008 「聖誕後大仟世界」- 音樂片,彩色,PAL制式,立體聲,51分鐘
2003 EAK-EE-EAK-EAK, 默片,彩色,PAL制式,15分鐘
2009 VING WITH SNOW, Japanese, Color, PAL, Stereo, 23 min. 2008 OUND THE WORLD AFTER CHRISTMAS, Music, Color, PAL, Stereo, 51 min.
2004 K-EE-EAK-EAK, Silence, Color, PAL, 15 min.

常駐藝術家計劃 Residency :
2009 S-AIR, 日本札幌
2002 越南順化美術學院
2009 AIR, Sapporo, Japan
2002 llege of Fine Arts, Hue, Vietnam

魂游 Wen Yau

作品多是就地創作,愛在文化差異及公共與親暱之間進行微軟游擊,主要作品包括: 「無視//不在」(針孔攝影2008)、「尋找國民」系列(錄影及即場演出,2007)、「聽寫王」系列(即場及媒體裝置,2005)及《我沒有罪》系列演出計劃(演出, 2004-05) 等。作品曾於香港、澳門、中國內地(北京、成都、西安、廣州)、台灣、日本、菲律賓、瑞典、玻利維亞及紐西蘭等地展出,並為香港及亞洲多份報章、雜誌撰寫文章,曾策展「10年回歸前後話」(香港,2007)、「i-D兒女--公展生活」(香港,2005)及「LIVE+MAY」(香港,2003)。現兼任亞洲藝術文獻庫香港研究員,並積極參與創意及藝術教育活動。
個人網站: www.wenyau.net

As a cross-media artist, researcher, curator and writer, wen yau has been concentrating on performance/live art and time-based media in the last few years. Her works often grapple with cultural difference and intimacy in public space. Recent projects include Seeing is Existing (pinhole photographic series, 2008-), Civil Left/Right (video & performance, 2007-), TengSeWong/Voice-Writer series (media & live art, 2005-), I pledge (not) guilt (live art, 2004-05), etc. Her work has been shown in Hong Kong, Macau, Mainland China (Beijing, Chengdu, Xi'an & Guangzhou), Taiwan, Japan, Philippines, Sweden, Bolivia, New Zealand, etc. She is also actively engaged in various creative and arts educational projects and curated "Talkover/Handover" (Hong Kong, 2007), "i-D Generations–Living Art Expo" (Hong Kong, 2005) and "LIVE+MAY" (Hong Kong, 2003). Currently she works as Researcher for Hong Kong at the Asia Art Archive and contributes to various newspapers and magazines in Hong Kong and Asia.
url: www.wenyau.net

高世強 Gao Shiqiang


高世強個展, 馬克斯波太奇畫廊, 紐約, 美國
“Story”裝置和影像, Hermes畫廊, 紐約, 美國

第七屆光州雙年展, 光州, 韓國
第三屆廣州三年展, 廣州, 中國
“能量——精神•身體•物質”2007首屆今日文獻展, 北京, 中國
“影子的煉金術”第三屆連州國際攝影年展, 廣東, 中國個人簡介 Bio:

2009 “地點上的時間”高世強個展,伊比利亞當代藝術中心,北京,中國
2008 高世強個展, 馬克斯波太奇畫廊, 紐約, 美國
2007 “Story”裝置和影像, Hermes畫廊, 紐約, 美國
2009 第二屆南極雙年展,烏蘇亞,阿根廷
2008 第七屆光州雙年展, 光州, 韓國
第三屆廣州三年展, 廣州, 中國
2007 “能量——精神•身體•物質”2007首屆今日文獻展, 北京, 中國
“影子的煉金術”第三屆連州國際攝影年展, 廣東, 中國

Gao Shiqiang
1971 Born in Shandong Province, China
Currently professor in the Mixed Media Art Department, China Academy of Fine Arts

Directorial and choreographic works :
2009 The Other There, Gao Shiqiang Solo Exhibition, Iberia Center for Contemporary Art,Beijing,China
2008 Gao Shiqiang Solo Exhibition, Max Protetch Gallery, New York, USA
2007 Story, Hermès Gallery, New York, USA
2009 2th Polar Biennale, Ushuaia, Argentina
The Tale of Angels, The Red Mansion Foundation ,London , Britain
ARCO Madrid,Madrid, Spain
2008 The 7th Gwangju Biennale, Gwangju, Korea
The 3rd Guangzhou Triennial, Guangzhou, China
2007 The Alchemy of Shadows: Lianzhou International Photo Festival, (LIPF) 2007, Guangdong, China
Energy: Spirit•Body•Material, The First Today`s Documents 2007, Beijing, China

馬玉安 João Manuel de Melo Jorge de Magalhães

馬玉安 João Manuel de Melo Jorge de Magalhães

錄像課程 葡萄牙青年學院
動畫及網頁設計製作課程 FLAG

- 參與了2003年的“Lomomanjerico”展, 展出作品 Lomolisboa
- 為葡萄牙電信公司 “Festa do Leite” 設計2001年的宣傳畫
- 為沃達豐葡萄牙公司做宣傳板
- 為短片《LX2100》獨家設計插圖及動畫,此片是電影監製Edgar Pêra為里斯本慶典所拍。本人亦在片中擔任群眾演員
- 參與制作了短片 ‘Sete Vidas a Metro’; 在99年里斯本錄像展(Videoteca de Lisboa ’99)展映錄像作品
- 在葡萄牙TVI電視頻道的真人秀節目《超級老大哥》中擔任助理工作
- 協助澳門攤位在2000年及2001年的里斯本書展中的參展工作
- 負責2005年第75屆里斯本書展的插畫設計
- 負責旅遊雜誌“Fanzine 7 polegadas”第七期的版面設計
- 為www.Alice.pt網站設計插圖
- 在1995年Produções Farol da Guia, Macau 出品的電視紀錄片 《金色的流亡》 中擔任助理工作

Academic Qualification:
Graduation in Web & Communications Design, by the Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade de Lisboa (FBAUL) - University of Lisbon, Portugal

Other Professional Training:
Video course, “Instituto Português de Juventude” (IPJ)
Flash & Dreamweaver Programming, by FLAG

Professional Experience:
Designer & Graphic Coordination of “Inside Gaming” magazine,
since September 2006
Designer & Graphic Coordination of “Ponto Final” daily, since August 2005
Designer & Graphic Coordination of “Revista MacaU/ MacaU magazine (for Editora Livros do Oriente) from August 2002 to December 2004
Regular collaboration with Revista MacaU (for Editora Livros do Oriente) 1999-2004
Graphic Designer (books and other publications) for “Produções Farol da Guia” and Editora Livros do Oriente

Video/ movie/ advertising production:
- Participation in the “Lomomanjerico” show. Mostra Lomolisboa (2003)
- Illustrations for “Festa do Leite – Portugal Telecom” (2001)
- Decorative panel for Vodafone Portugal
- Exclusive production of illustrations & Animation (and also as figurant), in the short movie “LX2100” by movie producer Edgar Pêra for the ‘Festas de Lisboa’
- Co-participation in the short-movie ‘Sete Vidas a Metro’. Mostra de Vídeo on the Videoteca de Lisboa ‘99
- Assistant/helper for the “Big Brother 3” reality show on Portuguese channel TVI
- Collaboration (Macau Stand) in Feira do Livro de Lisboa (Lisbon Book Fair) 2000 and 2001
- Illustrations for the 75th Lisbon Book Fair (2005)
- Layout design of travel magazine “Fanzine 7 polegadas”, issue n. 7
- Web Illustrations for the site www.Alice.pt
- Participation (as assistant) in the TV documentary “O Exílio Dourado” (the Golden Exile) by Produções Farol da Guia, Macau (1995).

馬騑安 Fernando Madeira

馬騑安 Fernando Madeira
2009年4月至10月 “太陽之光”——東帝汶一個關於可持續發展的教育專案(參與第一階段的工作,為期6個月)
2009年5月 澳門三巴藝門舉辦的“藝術芬芳”繪畫攝影展(參與了攝影展)
2009年 4月 澳門三巴藝門舉辦的主題為“紮根於斯,對外開敞”之藝術無國界會員作品展(參與了攝影展)
2009年3月 為澳門黑沙法蘭度餐廳的紅酒目錄拍攝照片
2009年2月 澳門牛房倉庫舉辦的“牛年牛展”當代藝術展(參與了攝影展)


1996 : Press Section assistant at the Macau Grand Prix.
1997 : Control tower assistant at the Macau Grand Prix
1998 : Macau Wine Museum assistant
1998-2001 : Helped promote the Faculdade de Arquitectura radio at the Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
2001-2007 : worked as a photo-journalist at the “O Clarim” newspaper since June 2001
2004-2009 : Currently working as a cooperating photographer at the Revista Macau
2004 : Photographer for the book “À Mesa da Diaspora” by author Cecília Jorge (from August to November of 2004)
2004 : Photographer for the EFE News Agency (Spain) during the World B Roller-Hockey Championship which took place from October 16th to 23rd
2004 : Photography exhibition entitled “Viagens” at the Casa Aberta, in Lisbon, Portugal
2004 : Photos for the food menu of “Fernando´s” restaurant in Hac-Sá, Macau
2004 : Reporter on the trip to Australia, organized by Government information Bureau. A guided visit to Australia´s major´s casinos in Melbourne, Sidney and Brisbane
2005 : Photos for the book “O Outro Lado da Vida” by Professor José Silveira Machado
2005 : Photography solo exhibition entitled “Macau Plural” at the Rota da Sede art gallery, in Porto, Portugal
2005-2009 : Currently working as a cooperating photographer at the Instituto Português do Oriente (IPOR)
2006 : Participated on the hong-kong movie “Isabella” shooted in Macau
2006 : Photo-journalist on the trip to East Timor, organized by Casa de Portugal in Macau. A tour visit around the country distributing different sorts of needs, as shool materials, medicine, computers, cameras…working for both newspapers “O Clarim” and “Tribuna de Macau”
2007 : Contemporary art exhibition in Taiwan and Macau (participated with short-movie)
2008 Apr : Presented a “Permaculture talk” at Singing tree café, Siem Reap, Cambodia
2008 Jun : Founded together with 4 persons a NGO named “naTerra – Education for Sustainable Development” based in Macau
2008 Sep : Cover page photo for the book “País dos Belos” by Luis Filipe Thomaz, published in Portugal
2008 Oct : Photography solo exhibition entitled “East Timor – a sustainable project” at the Lusofonia festival 2008 – Carmo´s auditorium, in Taipa, Macau
2008 Nov : Presented a two days workshop on “urban sustainability” promoted by Casa de Portugal at Albergue´s house, Macau
2008 Dec : Photography solo exhibition entitled “Emerging Eyes of a Land” at Casa Garden art gallery– Orient Foundation, Macau
2009 Feb : Contemporary art exhibition entitled “year of the Ox” at Oxware house art gallery, Macau (participated with photo)
2009 Mar : Photos for the wine catalogue of “Fernando´s” restaurant in Hac-Sá, Macau
2009 Apr : Borderless Arts association exhibition entitled “Settle on the ground, open to the world” at St. Paul´s Corner gallery, Macau (participated with photo)
2009 May : “Aroma of Art” – paintings and photos exhibition at St. Paul´s Corner gallery, Macau (participated with photo)
2009 Apr-Oct : Raio de Sol – a project of education for sustainable development in East Timor (1st phase - 6 months)

賴 新 龍 Hsin-lung LAI

賴 新 龍 Hsin-lung LAI
1964 生於台灣省屏東縣
2006 高雄市立美術館—「位子與椅子的閱讀狀態」
2006 日本Artislong畫廊「位子在旅行」
2007 台中金禧美術空間—賴新龍個展
2007 日本名古屋Mayibe畫廊「荷花與位子」
2003 宜蘭縣文化局林園公園---宜蘭的椅子邀請展
2003 屏東縣文化局---半島藝術季邀請展
2004 高雄駁二藝術特區---高雄市現代畫學會聯展
2004 高雄駁二藝術特區---大家一起來金鋼芭比摸
2005 國立台灣美術館--悍圖漫波—悍圖社聯展
2006 台南金生金室—裝置藝術在我家特展
2006 華山藝文特區---藝術家博覽會
2006 高雄市立圖書館--硬革新構當代水墨展
2007 高雄市文化中心至美軒--硬革新構當代水墨展
2007 台北國際藝術博覽會—Art in Taipei
2007 台北關渡美術館—魔、藝、尬—悍圖社聯展2007/8/7
2007 台北大未來畫廊—男男自娛—悍圖2007
2008 台北印象畫廊—悍圖印象--悍圖社聯展
2009 台北鳳甲美術館—後少年硬派--悍圖社聯展
2009 北京大未來畫廊—惡童力--悍圖社聯展

蔣靜華 Catherine, CHEONG Cheng Wa


“The human body is like a mini-universe, full of secrets. My body is wrapped in these secrets as well as those of mankind, which are similarly complex and contradictory. They affect the way I think. Using the body as a medium, I express in my own artistic language the state of the body in different environments, cultures and with different mentalities and emotions. Meanwhile I try to interpret how my inner-self responds creatively to the outside world.”

2003 畢業於「澳門理工學院藝術高等學校」平面設計高等專科學位

2004 赴法國留學深造

2008 畢業於「法國土倫普羅旺斯地中海高等藝術學院」視覺藝術系學士學位

2003 「澳門國際博物館日」標誌設計比賽優異獎.澳門

2009 「置身度內」﹣個人錄像展,牛房倉庫·澳門

2009 「邊周視覺」﹣「歧義﹣澳門第五十三屆威尼斯國際藝術雙年展澳門區徵集作品展」,藝術博物館·澳門

2008 「牛市」﹣「牛年牛又展」,牛房倉庫·澳門

2004 「下環區」﹣「社區狂熱」,牛房倉庫·澳門

2003 「澳門水族館」﹣「第五屆澳門設計雙年展」學生組入選作品展,藝術博物館·澳門

2002 「空間二人」﹣「情牽葡韻」圖片回顧展,龍環葡韻住宅式博物館·澳門

Catherine,CHEONG Cheng Wa

2003 Graduated from the Department of Graphic Communication at Macao Polytechnic Institute

2004 Go to the France to pursue advanced studies

2008 Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts by the School superior of art of TPM(Toulon Provence Méditerranée) France


2003 honorable mention prizes of logo of the Day of Internationnal of Museum, Macao

Solo Exhibitions

2009 D’Après Corps” (According to Body) - Video Art Exhibitions, OX Warehouse , Macao

Group Exhibitions

2009 “Vision Peripheric” - “Divergence - Macau’s Proposed Artworks for the 53rd Venice Biennale”, The Macao Museum of Art

2008 “OX market” - “OX Re-exhibition in the Year of the OX”, OX Warehouse , Macao

2004 “Community of São Lourenço” - “Community Fever”, OX Warehouse, Macao

2003 “Macau Aquariums” - “The V Macao Design Biennial”, The Macao Museum of Art

2002 “Spatial two people” - “Tender Memories of Avenue of the Praia”, The Taipa House Museum, Macao

梁雅思 / Leung Ngar Sze IVY


2008 現在進行式牛房藝術創作學員作品展

2007 我自在-創意張揚跳蚤市場作品:蠟飯

2007 「我不在」2 多元集體創作展

2006 「我不在」多元集體創作展

2006 「狗年做乜」實驗藝術創作展 作品:回響

2003 手提風景多媒體藝術展 作品:今天是禮物

2001 婆仔屋「屋內的蝴蝶」裝置藝術展 作品:過橋

Leung Ngar Sze IVY

2008 “Going on” Exhibition of Works by Students of Ox Warehouse Creative Workshop

2007 “I Am at Ease – Creative Power Flea Market” with the work Wax Rice

2007 I am not being2nd Collective Exhibition of Creative Works

2006 I am not being1st Collective Exhibition of Creative Works

2006 What to do in the Year of the Dog Experimental Art Works Exhibition, with the work Echo.

2003 Portable Landscape Multimedia Art Exhibition, with the work Today is a Gift.

2001 Butterflies in the HouseInstallation Art Exhibition at Old LadiesHouse, with the work Cross Bridge.

化整為靈 —兩位年青創作人素描互動展

Spontaneous Creativity – Interactive Drawing Exhibition by Two Young Creative Artists

范世康 / Fan Sai Hong





Fan Sai Hong (born in 1980 in Macao)

Dropped out from Hangzhou’s Zhejiang University in 2001
His book “6th Floor in Fai Chi Kei” is published in 2003
Completed the Arts Course at Macao Polytechnics Institute in 2005.
At present, is a draftsman at a construction company.

Creative Abstract

Most materials are composed of packaging paper and advertising leaflets for various products. Basically, there is no central concept. A line will appear here and there, at my will. That is it, in a nutshell.

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化整為靈 —兩位年青創作人素描互動展

Spontaneous Creativity – Interactive Drawing Exhibition by Two Young Creative Artists

方惠萍 / Fong Wei Peng

方惠萍 / Fong Wei Peng

期望 / Desire

混合媒材 / Mixed media

120cm x 65cm x 120cm(h)




Facing the future, we want the best for the next generation. These "best" is actually like thier own past in miniature.

Works composed by numbers of "childhood memories", reminiscent of the hanging bed of baby toys, when we leaned over to see the work, the action of bending down to the crib, we are able to see our own mirror image, and seeing our memories and the future.

We give the best "recalled," but no one will know "the future" development. But that is a pleasure and let people look forward to.

「牛年牛又展 ─ 大家的回憶和願望」創作特展
“Ox Re-exhibition in the Year of the Ox – Our Memories and Wishes”Special Creative Exhibition

蔣靜華 / Cheong Cheng Wa

蔣靜華 / Cheong Cheng Wa

牛市 / Bull Market

混合媒體裝置 / Mixed media




Little grasses have the tenacious vitality of "not vanished under the wild fire, but born-again with the spring wind". Regardless of any corner, according to a thin barren soil, with an adverse environment and the battle of fate, through tenacious struggle, with the hope that the story unfolds in tomorrow, the bright world.

The indomitable spirit of little grasses has inspired me. It happen to the year of the Ox, cattle are very much the meaning of value-added and productive, and the cattle family is herbivorous animals, the grass plants to cattle family brought a source of life; with this reason we specially planted grass, so that the spirit of the grass and hope for the New Year to have a vibrant Year of the Ox.

At the same time, on the premises that the environment and human life on earth continue to rise conflicts, the green, protecting the environment, reducing pollution and other issues also expected to gain attention gradually from each of the citizens.

「牛年牛又展 ─ 大家的回憶和願望」創作特展
“Ox Re-exhibition in the Year of the Ox – Our Memories and Wishes”Special Creative Exhibition