Pisithpong Siraphisut, 又名安,生於泰國清邁。安對藝術有廣泛興趣,涉獵門類眾多。他曾到世界各地旅行,在不同的地方居住,足跡遍及清邁、日本札幌、東京、越南順化、紐約、老撾、柬埔寨、印度、尼泊爾、北京及中國其他城市,於各地的公共場所、藝術館、畫廊巡迴展出藝術作品。他亦是ComPeung創意藝術村(www.compeung.org)的創辦人及重要成員,並在村內居住和創作。該藝術村是一個另類藝術家社區, 亦是泰國第一個常駐藝術家計劃。
Pisithpong Siraphisut (aka Ong) was born in Chiang Mai, Thailand. His interest in art is widely open to various disciplines. He had traveled, lived and exhibited his creative projects in public spaces, museums, and galleries, ncluding Chiang Mai, Sapporo, Tokyo, Hue (Vietnam), Beijing, New York City, Sydney, China, Laos, Cambodia, India and Nepal. He is also the founder and the key member of ComPeung Village of Creativity www.compeung.org), an alternative artist community and the 1st dependent artist-in-residence program in Thailand, where he lives and works.
個展Solo Exhibitons:
2004 EAK-EE-EAK, 泰國清邁Umong Sippadhama (www.thelandfoundation.org)
2003 「沉默的派對」,泰國清邁Umong Sippadhama(www.thelandfoundation.org)
2002 「沉默的派對」,泰國清邁大學美術館
2001 「我的藝術園地」,泰國清邁大學美術學院
2001 「木偶」,泰國清邁大學美術學院
2000 「盲」,泰國清邁大學美術學院天台
2004 K-EE-EAK-EAK, Umong Sippadhama, Chiang Mai. Thailand (www.thelandfoundation.org)
2003 LENCE PARTY , Umong Sippadhama, Chiang Mai. Thailand (www.thelandfoundation.org)
2002 LENCE PARTY, Chiang Mai University Art Museum, Chiang Mai. Thailand 2001 MY ART, Library, Faculty of Fine Arts, Chiang Mai University.
2001 PUPPET, Streets of Chiang Mai.
2000 IND, Roof top, Faculty of Fine Arts, Chiang Mai University.
作品 Directorial and choreographic works :
2009 札幌雪祭SAPPORO II,日本札幌
2008 「聖誕後大仟世界」,泰國清邁 Minimal畫廊
2008 「ComPeung戶外藝術展」,泰國清邁ComPeung
2004 「看看環境」,泰國清邁CMU藝術館
2002 「藝術與環境,環境與藝術」,泰國清邁CMU藝術館
2002 「家」泰國清邁大學美術學院
2009 APPORO II, Sapporo Snow Festival”, Sapporo, Japan
2008 ROUND THE WORLD AFTER CHRISTMAS”, Minimal Gallery, Chiang Mai, Thailand
2008 OMPEUNG OUTDOOR ART EVENT 2008”, ComPeung, Chiang Mai, Thailand
2004 EE THE SURROUNDINGS”, CMU Art Museum. Chiang Mai. Thailand.
2002 RT & ENVIRONMENT, ENVIRONMENT & ART”, CMU Art Museum. Chiang Mai. Thailand.
2000 OME”, Faculty of Fine Arts, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
進行中的藝術項目Ongoing Projects :
2005 – PRESENT omPeung (www.compeung.org)
錄像作品 Video Art Works :
2009 「與雪同在」- 日語,彩色,PAL制式,立體聲,23分鐘
2008 「聖誕後大仟世界」- 音樂片,彩色,PAL制式,立體聲,51分鐘
2003 EAK-EE-EAK-EAK, 默片,彩色,PAL制式,15分鐘
2009 VING WITH SNOW, Japanese, Color, PAL, Stereo, 23 min. 2008 OUND THE WORLD AFTER CHRISTMAS, Music, Color, PAL, Stereo, 51 min.
2004 K-EE-EAK-EAK, Silence, Color, PAL, 15 min.
常駐藝術家計劃 Residency :
2009 S-AIR, 日本札幌
2002 越南順化美術學院
2009 AIR, Sapporo, Japan
2002 llege of Fine Arts, Hue, Vietnam