“The human body is like a mini-universe, full of secrets. My body is wrapped in these secrets as well as those of mankind, which are similarly complex and contradictory. They affect the way I think. Using the body as a medium, I express in my own artistic language the state of the body in different environments, cultures and with different mentalities and emotions. Meanwhile I try to interpret how my inner-self responds creatively to the outside world.”
蔣 靜 華
2003 年 畢業於「澳門理工學院藝術高等學校」平面設計高等專科學位
2004 年 赴法國留學深造
2008 年 畢業於「法國土倫普羅旺斯地中海高等藝術學院」視覺藝術系學士學位
獎 項
2003 年 「澳門國際博物館日」標誌設計比賽優異獎.澳門
個 展
2009 年 「置身度內」﹣個人錄像展,牛房倉庫·澳門
參 與 聯 展
2009 年 「邊周視覺」﹣「歧義﹣澳門第五十三屆威尼斯國際藝術雙年展澳門區徵集作品展」,藝術博物館·澳門
2008 年 「牛市」﹣「牛年牛又展」,牛房倉庫·澳門
2004 年 「下環區」﹣「社區狂熱」,牛房倉庫·澳門
2003 年 「澳門水族館」﹣「第五屆澳門設計雙年展」學生組入選作品展,藝術博物館·澳門
2002 年 「空間二人」﹣「情牽葡韻」圖片回顧展,龍環葡韻住宅式博物館·澳門
2003 Graduated from the Department of Graphic Communication at Macao Polytechnic Institute
2004 Go to the France to pursue advanced studies
2008 Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts by the School superior of art of TPM(Toulon Provence Méditerranée)
2003 honorable mention prizes of logo of the Day of Internationnal of Museum, Macao
Solo Exhibitions
2009 D’Après Corps” (According to Body) - Video Art Exhibitions, OX Warehouse ,
Group Exhibitions
2009 “Vision Peripheric” - “Divergence -
2008 “OX market” - “OX Re-exhibition in the Year of the OX”, OX Warehouse ,
2004 “Community of São Lourenço” - “Community Fever”, OX Warehouse, Macao
2003 “Macau Aquariums” - “The V