馬玉安 João Manuel de Melo Jorge de Magalhães
錄像課程 葡萄牙青年學院
動畫及網頁設計製作課程 FLAG
- 參與了2003年的“Lomomanjerico”展, 展出作品 Lomolisboa
- 為葡萄牙電信公司 “Festa do Leite” 設計2001年的宣傳畫
- 為沃達豐葡萄牙公司做宣傳板
- 為短片《LX2100》獨家設計插圖及動畫,此片是電影監製Edgar Pêra為里斯本慶典所拍。本人亦在片中擔任群眾演員
- 參與制作了短片 ‘Sete Vidas a Metro’; 在99年里斯本錄像展(Videoteca de Lisboa ’99)展映錄像作品
- 在葡萄牙TVI電視頻道的真人秀節目《超級老大哥》中擔任助理工作
- 協助澳門攤位在2000年及2001年的里斯本書展中的參展工作
- 負責2005年第75屆里斯本書展的插畫設計
- 負責旅遊雜誌“Fanzine 7 polegadas”第七期的版面設計
- 為www.Alice.pt網站設計插圖
- 在1995年Produções Farol da Guia, Macau 出品的電視紀錄片 《金色的流亡》 中擔任助理工作
Academic Qualification:
Graduation in Web & Communications Design, by the Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade de Lisboa (FBAUL) - University of Lisbon, Portugal
Other Professional Training:
Video course, “Instituto Português de Juventude” (IPJ)
Flash & Dreamweaver Programming, by FLAG
Professional Experience:
Designer & Graphic Coordination of “Inside Gaming” magazine,
since September 2006
Designer & Graphic Coordination of “Ponto Final” daily, since August 2005
Designer & Graphic Coordination of “Revista MacaU/ MacaU magazine (for Editora Livros do Oriente) from August 2002 to December 2004
Regular collaboration with Revista MacaU (for Editora Livros do Oriente) 1999-2004
Graphic Designer (books and other publications) for “Produções Farol da Guia” and Editora Livros do Oriente
Video/ movie/ advertising production:
- Participation in the “Lomomanjerico” show. Mostra Lomolisboa (2003)
- Illustrations for “Festa do Leite – Portugal Telecom” (2001)
- Decorative panel for Vodafone Portugal
- Exclusive production of illustrations & Animation (and also as figurant), in the short movie “LX2100” by movie producer Edgar Pêra for the ‘Festas de Lisboa’
- Co-participation in the short-movie ‘Sete Vidas a Metro’. Mostra de Vídeo on the Videoteca de Lisboa ‘99
- Assistant/helper for the “Big Brother 3” reality show on Portuguese channel TVI
- Collaboration (Macau Stand) in Feira do Livro de Lisboa (Lisbon Book Fair) 2000 and 2001
- Illustrations for the 75th Lisbon Book Fair (2005)
- Layout design of travel magazine “Fanzine 7 polegadas”, issue n. 7
- Web Illustrations for the site www.Alice.pt
- Participation (as assistant) in the TV documentary “O Exílio Dourado” (the Golden Exile) by Produções Farol da Guia, Macau (1995).