陳佩玲 / Chan Pui Leng
坐著、在看 / Sitting, watching
攝影 / Photography
Living in this tiny place, information developed very much, endless stream of streets, places with people coming and going, we may breathe in every day with information,
Absorbed…then exhaled it unsparingly , but want to breathe it once again ... and then repeat ... ... ...
Breathing, is to bring the information for your brain to think?
Sitting, watching, can it be also considered as thinking?
Imagine you are the people sitting in a newspaper vendor’ stall.
In what way you will choose to think?
(The works here invited people work or earn a livelihood in the streets, and giving them a small chair and newspaper vendor’ stall, so that they can obtain a little space with a moment of resting and thinking.)
「牛年牛又展 ─ 大家的回憶和願望」創作特展