生於一九七八年澳門, 於一九九八年往法國留學, 二零零四年於法國土魯茲高等藝術學校獲得法國國立藝術碩士學位。其後在巴黎生活及工作。二零零五年獲法國巴黎LA DRAC頒發 La Bourse Individuelle a la Creation ,並完成錄像作品「卡拉伯OK」。二零零六至零七年於印度與西藏拍攝「仍在流亡 ﹣家書」。零七年年尾回澳。她的藝術創作理念經常圍繞多元文化主義 ; 在後殖民地時代的影響與重要性。她的創作媒體有錄像、攝影、寫作和裝置等。
Born in 1978 in Macau, Alice Kok has left to France in 1998. She has graduated with a Master Degree of Fine Arts in Ecole Supérieure des Beaux Arts de Toulouse in France in 2004. Since then she has been living and working in Paris where she has obtained La Bourse Individuelle a la Creation granted by the DRAC Ile-de-France and has created the video work “Karabic OK”. After traveling in India and Tibet where she has finished the project “Yet in Exile – Family Script”, she returns to live in Macau at the end of 2007. Her works are based on the idea of Multiculturalism at the post-colonial époque. She uses media such as video, photography, writings and installations.
個人展覽Solo Exhibition:
Jan – Feb 08 Family Script/家書” – Photography and Video Installation exhibition at the Centre of Creative Industries, Macau, China.
Dec – Jan 05/06 Fables of Identities/身份的傳說”- Photography exhibition at the Centre of Creative ndustries, Macau, China.
January 2004 Misleading/晤會 - Installation multimedia/Discussion" at the Centre of Creative Industries, Macau, China.
March 2009 “Yet in Exile – Family Script” (仍在流亡﹣家書)
Ten Finalist of “Asian Award” organized by Independent Film and Video Award (ifva), Hong Kong Art Centre
June 2005 Karabic OK – French national anthem in Arabic ",
Bourse de l’Aide Individuelle de la Création, 2005
DRAC Ile-de-France, Paris, France.